Friday, March 30, 2012

Day 2 & 3

So I have done great with working out. I have exercised the past 3 days and have been loving it!! Food is not going as well. I got MDub on board with wanting to eat healthy but we are both wanting to finish the other food in the house. I just can't throw it away. So the next couple of days that is the goal - to finish up that stuff so we can shop and hopefully start our super healthy eating on Monday. I am very anxious to get started. Excited but nervous.

Lesson #3: Pace yourself

Life is a marathon, not a sprint.  This means that you must balance, prioritize and pace yourself.  Too often we throw caution to the wind and run full speed ahead.  But that doesn’t last long and soon we are gasping for air, tired and burned out and ready to snap.  This pressure can wear away at our patience and stress us out.  This feeling also contributes to feeling anxious when things are not happening “fast enough”.
Resolve today to be a marathon runner…pace yourself to avoid being burned out.  You’re in this for the long haul and sprinting or expecting fast results will only tire you out before you cross the finish line.   Pray through your anxieties instead of tackling them on your own.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. (Philippians 4:6-7)

This is also the idea behind the Sabbath day.  This strategically allows you time to recharge, refocus and add breathing room or margin to your weekly schedule.

Make a list of areas in your life, schedule, etc…where you need to pace yourself.  Then resolve to treat those areas like a marathon.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Lesson #2: Do something nice for yourself.

You are worth it!

Is that hard for you to accept and believe? It is for me.

I feel that I need to be this perfect mom and perfect wife all of the time. I tend to forget that I am only human and I am flawed. I am constantly doing things for others and I get left behind. ,I personally want to be a mom, I always have and I love it. But I also have to remember that doing things that bring me joy and happiness make me a better wife and mother. Otherwise it's easy to grow resentful.

So today I am going to the gym with or without MDub and the little ones. I am doing it because it makes me happy. I am going to go and not feel guilty.

What nice thing are you doing for yourself today?

Lesson #1: patience

·         What makes you impatient? Well when I was asked this question I think I must have listed off 20 things, including things like my 18 month old "Taz" (as in the tazmanian d3vil!) pulling everything out as I have just cleaned them up and the kids just being so slow sometimes. MDub reminded me that the kids are not doing these things on purpose to drive me crazy. They are just kids and that's what they do. He's right. So I was instructed to be more patient in regards to one of the things that I am impatient about. You know what? I was patient in a lot of areas, including being patient with myself. It felt good to be calm and not over react. It made me feel a little more patient going into today.

·         “See that no one repays another evil for evil, but always seek after that which is good for another” 
      - Thessalonians 5:15
      What are you impatient about?

I want to change my feelings about myself.

So MDub is helping me work through the way I feel about myself. He has said that I am my hardest critic. It is so true. The things I say to myself - well I would NEVER say or even think them about someone else. So why am I so mean to myself?! Time to change. I will post the "lessons" MDub is having me do. btw - He is the most AMAZING man ever! :)

feeling good

I am on day 2 of my diet/new lifestyle. I am working on 1200 calories per day and also working out 5 days a week. As Scott at Your Inner Skinny says NO EXCUSES!

So day 1 was awesome. I did great with the calories and was surprised by how much food I could eat when it's healthy. I also got in 45 min of exercise. woo-hoo

Day 2 - doing good. I didn't sleep great but woke up energized. Feeling really good about yesterday and it's motivating me to keep it up today. I am excited to get into the gym tonight. Trying to keep busy with the kids and the house to keep me from thinking about food. I tend to get into mindless snacking when I am not careful.